Ryan Dickey Declares Candidacy for Park City Council


For immediate release—PARK CITY, Utah

Park City City Council Member Ryan Dickey has announced his candidacy for reelecGon to Park City Council in 2023. Dickey is currently serving his first term on City Council, a parGal term to which he was appointed following former council member Nann Worel’s elecGon as mayor.

Dickey said he is proud of what’s been accomplished in his first year-and-a-half in office, but knows lots of opportunity remains.

“Park City is an incredible community, but of course we face challenges – as we always have. I am excited about the momentum we’ve built in the city to address these challenges – stocking our workforce housing pipeline, convening regional partners to build a shared transportaGon vision, extending free transit access to every Park City resident for the first Gme, protecGng our neighborhoods from resort impacts, addressing our child care crisis, significantly enhancing our recreaGon ameniGes, and embarking on a bold reimagining of the Bonanza Park neighborhood in the heart of town,” Dickey said.

“We must also strive to be excellent in every facet of our operaGon, by conGnually enhancing our operaGonal capabiliGes, aXracGng and retaining the best people, and further ingraining a customer-centric mindset in our city culture,” Dickey said. “We have an incredible group of people working across our city operaGons, and as leaders we need to support them with simple, clear, and consistent codes and processes.”

“I hope to conGnue to build on all of these opportuniGes in my first full term. Anyone who has been around for a while knows there are no silver bullets, but by thinking strategically, listening to our residents, and doing the hard work, we can do big things.”

With three seats available and a number of candidates already declaring for the race, Dickey added that he is looking forward to a posiGve race focused on ideas, experience, and leadership style.

“In a city that seems to have become needlessly fractured poliGcally during the COVID years, I’m proud to have great relaGonships throughout the community and to have served as a bridge builder throughout my term in office, supporGng all of my colleagues on council to further iniGaGves important to them. I’m collegial, open-minded, and independent, and I hope the community will reward these types of candidates in November.”

Ryan and his wife Allyson Dickey have been Park City residents since 2011. They are raising two daughters Campbell (6) and Caroline (3). Ryan and Allyson own Model HOA, a market-leading community associaGon management business in Park City with over 1,100 residents under management across their por`olio of neighborhoods. Ryan is a broker with Windermere Real Estate, an independent real estate brokerage. Prior to starGng Model HOA, Ryan spent 12 years in management consulGng with Accenture and IBM, providing C-level advisory services to retail and airline industry clients.

Ryan has been engaged and visible in the community since moving to Park City. Prior to joining city council, Ryan served for 5 years on the Snyderville Basin Planning Commission, serving as chair in 2020-21. Ryan is past president of Park City Noon Rotary and a current board member, and a member of the Snyderville Basin Water ReclamaGon District Board.

Press Contact:

Ryan Dickey
Ryan Dickey for Park City Council
(435) 901-9784